Wednesday, December 21, 2011

jane by design challenge (via adored austin)

my first ever iMovie! taken with my iPhone with no outside help... :)

i went to savers on monday, thinking i had a SuperSavers Club Card... apparently, i did not. after shopping, and trying on dozens of things, and getting to the register, i had to leave my items in a shopping cart (& hope they didn't put it back in the meantime - they didn't) and run home & apply for one online, bring in my printout, and get a card! jason's car wouldn't start so he came with me and dropped me off on his way to where he needed to be. so i was stuck at savers for another hour and a half... so i shopped more! and then got 50% off everything! :) the items in the video are just my $50 "haul" because of the Adored Austin thing, but i actually got more than that, and jason, too :) i heart savers. it's gonna be a hard thing to give up if i do the twenty pieces thing in the new year...


  1. HOLY COW! I love Savers! How did I miss this sale?! Girl, I totally would have thrifted the day with you. I am floored by this blog and your video! That pleated skirt is making me drool. Maybe it's a good thing I wasn't there. We may have gotten into a fist fight over that! :0)

  2. ha - so glad you found this - i meant to post the link in a comment on adored austin, but forgot! thanks for coming by and commenting - i feel so special :) and I KNOW about savers, right?? i only got the memo about the "secret" sale 'cause my husband's signed up for their e-mails :) but i do live outside of los angeles, so i'm not sure if it's the same everywhere... you'd have had to make quite a trip to fight me for that skirt ;)
