so, here it goes! my experiment... is it better for my soul (and loving others and God) to live minimalistically, get rid of most of my "stuff", especially clothes, in this case? or to engage, play, be creative in how i go about shopping and dressing? am i considering this 20 pieces project just because i think i should, because people i respect are doing it? or is it something that God could use in my life, and in others'? this morning in church, they showed this promo video for Trade as One, an organization that promotes fair trade, and it started off talking about "the more stuff we get". and i leaned over to Jason and said "let's get rid of it! :) So, this weekend, i laid out my twenty articles of clothing that i will be choosing from over the next twenty days, as a sort of trial run to see if it's what i want for 2012. my twenty pieces do not include shoes, accessories, or undergarments (including like undershirts & leggings), which is the same as julie & cate are doing; but i also didn't include exercise clothes, since that's like 6-9 pieces right there that i wear once only, every week... so technically i'm living off more than 20, but i'm closer than i thought i'd be ;)

Day 1 outfit:
outing: church, lunch at Mimo's Cafe in Uptown
20 pieces item: black turtleneck knit dress i've had and worn for years (i love how my handmade statement necklace contrasts here)
plus some gray leggings, socks, and boots, and my trusty gray purse - classy first day of my twenty (i'm sure they'll get more, uh, creative by the end ;)

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