i refuse.
to go out shopping in all that madness.
it was less than a year ago, i think, that i still said "I HATE SHOPPING" - just in general. and then this year, as jason put it,
i became someone other than the person he married ;) I WANTED TO GO TO THE MALL FOR MY BIRTHDAY. (forgive the yelling - that really needed some volume for emphasis) i got excited wandering around the outlets last week, and thought "i should do this with some girlfriends sometime this christmas season" (WHAT??!) so, although i have recently become friendly acquaintances with shopping, it did not translate over into wanting to set up tents and wait in line for hours (days?) and risk being trampled to death on this most extreme shopping day of the year. however... when i passed this sign for Anna's Attic & saw the 50% off sign, i had to go :)

this was all after a SUPER-relaxing morning, where i sat at starbucks, alone, reading and drinking hot drinks and eating sweet treats...
this was when it happened. i found myself drinking an eggnog latte and a peppermint cake pop, in honor of kicking off the christmas season, and i looked out the window. within my view, there were at least 20 trees with changing red-and-orange-and-yellow fiery leaves. my heart swelled with delight in my favorite season, fall. and then this TENSION: do i start celebrating christmas now? or continue to revel in the incredible fall colors and textures and tastes around me? my soul was pulled back and forth for a while... and then i decided: BOTH!
that fall has to end once it's "christmas season" is a totally arbitrary construct.
i can still delight in God's beauty around me in all its autumn color, AND begin to anticipate celebrating his advent and all the lights and loveliness that come with that. good thing, too, 'cause last night was the craziest windy night EVER - it woke up everyone i talked to today at 2 o'clock in the morning... and i felt invited to go out and be with God for a few minutes in the midst of the majesty.
wind is something i totally associate with fall. our california autumn tends to come late and not spend much time around (think, leaves start changing mid-to-late november), so i love those moments when i get an extra helping of the beauty (like when i get to go to colorado in september and see the changing aspens in all their glory, or get to take a trip to northern california the last week of november and see thousands of trees everywhere still waiting to let go of their vibrance... such gifts to my fall-heart)

the outfit: yes, these are the same thrifted boots & vintage blazer from yesterday... they're just that classic ;) when the outfits turned out so completely different despite their coat & shoes in common, it made me start thinking about the twenty pieces project. more thoughts on that to come...
dress: thrifted; tights: anthropologie (got holes in them the first day i wore them! i thought i was "being better than the GAP, Cal"... guess not - more on that later, too); necklace: InPink; bangles, thrifted; glasses, prescription (and don't give me any credit for what they look like - or blame me - my eyes were already dilated when they made me pick my frames, and i could totally NOT see - made the lady describe them to me - ha! but i like them... and might even start wearing them as much as i should ;)
action shot! (and if you actually read all of that, i'm proud of you ;)
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