we drive past this old-school park at least 6 times a week ("Oeste Park" it says on the sign), but have never stopped to check it out until this day when we stopped on the way home from dinner to get some wiggles out, and do a little iphone photoshoot... how awesome is that huge rocketship?? you used to be able to climb to the top of it (the opening is sealed off now, much to joey's dismay)! and this other climbing structure is super-fun, too. something in me resonates more with the real-ness of metal over fakey plastic. they even had a bid ol' metal slide - and the best part, something i haven't been on since childhood - was the merry-go-round!
so this is the second of the three plaid(ish) shapeless shirts that i mentioned before that i wear mostly because of the fact that no one asks me if i'm pregnant... this one super-bright... i tend to wear it more UNDER something, like a sweatshirt, where it just pops out brightly at the bottom, instead of completely overwhelming the senses... i know, you're saying "it's not that bad"... but that's only because i've spared your eyes for most of the post (desaturated -29 in photoshop!)... the last pic at the very bottom is the only unedited one... get your sunglasses before you scroll ;)
this was one of the very few days i went out of the house without a shower. i mostly feel like i can't even START my day until i've had one (which is tricky with a toddler who doesn't WANT me to)... so i improvised this little french-braidish-twisty thing. if you want to know how to do it... don't ask me! i'm sure i couldn't do it again...
see? it's bright :)
thank you, jason and joey for putting up with my photo shoots
looking back at this shoot reminds me of some of my trip to colorado last weekend... just learning that playing is so good and essential to our souls' health. and how Jesus himself is playful in so many ways - thank you, John Eldredge, for pointing this out!
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