oh, and in capturing their footwear later in the day (lovin the striped socks), i inadvertently also caught my favorite pair of shoes for the day - those tweed toms you can just barely see in the top left :)
you may have noticed my recent absence from posting regularly here. life has been very full lately, and my love-photographer's life, especially, so we haven't been able to do any shoots in a few weeks. but it gave me a chance to stop and think and try to remember why i started blogging here anyways... not just to be like a wannabe fashionista. but to be me, sharing my heart and my journey of transformation. partly via photos of me... but also lovely foods, and most especially near to my heart, my creations! i realized that my last few shoots didn't even involve anything i made - well THAT'S gonna change! ;) i've spent the last couple days making awesome one-of-a-kind artistic jewelry, and i plan to showcase some of those pieces over the next few weeks! they will first be for sale at the Light of Christmas boutique November 4-5, and then whatever hasn't sold will be posted in my etsy shop! i'm super-excited about some of these pieces, and can't wait to share them with you (sometime after my honey returns and we find time to shoot a few photos)!!!
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