I experience zumba a lot like I experience my spiritual life. When I'm there, in the moment, I delight. I engage mind body soul. I feel connected to God even. Like he's right there, dancing with me. But as soon as I'm out of the structure of someone leading me, I suddenly can't remember anything. I've been going to zumba classes for a couple months now, and it took a while, but I feel like I can follow along with the moves (as long as I can see the instructor). Ask me to show you some of those moves an hour later at home, and I'd have NOTHING. Just can't remember! SO like how it is when I spend some sweet time with God, worshiping, reading, learning. It is beautiful & I'm so engaged... But the moment I open my eyes and step back into "real life" of toddlers and laundry... I lose sight. Forget. Ask me even to recall... And I cant! I have to constantly revisit all I have learned from his heart. I am on the bus right now from Denver to the advanced captivating retreat in the Rockies. I have now read the book completely three times through. Every time, every chapter, I read the words of life. I am healed and freed. ...And then I forget. Get back to the duties and demands of life and lose sight of those oh-so-deep desires to rest in his heart of love. Start feeling like spending time with him becomes just one of those duties, instead of a delight - like it's an intrusion on my life of "getting stuff done". How ridiculous. Oh God, help me internalize! To learn your heart so deeply. To hear your voice and know you and follow you. And dance with you ;)
See you all next week! If u want to see a couple of (not-so-great-quality due to the moving bus) shots of the autumn aspens, go to my instagram (therustyartichoke)!
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