today marks the final day of the final week of fasting related to the book 7, An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess. friends and i have noticed that our entire way of looking at life has changed since we started reading this book (much to some of our husbands' chagrine - my minimalist man loves it ;). so here's a recap of last week's...
Week 6: Spending
this was sort of a weird one because we chose to "make it easy on ourselves". the idea of it was to only shop at 7 places for the length of the fast (a much more difficult accomplishment for the month the author maintained it than our 7 days ;). unfortunately, it was jason's last week of summer vacation, and we had lots of celebrating planned... our list of 7 places ended up including:
Uptown whittier farmer's market
online bill pay
home depot: we were still hard at work with our garden boxes & home projects, and ended up there multiple times during the week... we were originally going to buy a scoop of gardening soil from a local garden store (less waste, etc), but couldn't justify including said random garden store in our list, since jason was also planning on working on refrigerator and plumbing projects this week. so we bought the 27 bags worth instead (boo as far as waste. this book has created more tensions in me than anything else, i think!)
the junkyard: they were having a sale, and jason's brother came over from out of town specifically to go there with him - this would not have been an option if it was for the whole month, probably, but for a week? no prob ;)
target: i know, i know. not the best place to be spending your money, as far as ethics and all that. but the author included it in HER list (as she put it, so her son wouldn't have to take a bunch of kale to a birthday party if it came up - haha)... so i felt justified in doing it, too. i may need to admit, however, that a main reason for choosing it was... the starbucks inside. it was jason's last week of summer, ok?! and they were doing that receipt for a $2 cold drink promo thing!
costco: this was another "cheater" one. we do shop there, sometimes often, but i'll admit that the reason it made the cut was that, on top of groceries and anything you could ever want, there is a food court (for those days when i just can't cook 8 months pregnant - they are more than i'd like ;) AND a gas station. score!
chick-fil-a: my sister has free chick-fil-a every day of 2012 because she won a contest, so we are often meeting her there, spending time together (and they have their peach shakes in right now, which i crave every other day - and you don't mess with a pregnant woman and her cravings, right?!!)... and no, this choice had nothing to do with the much ado about nothing all over the news the last few weeks.
easy, right? yeah, that's what everyone i talked about it with said, too. but so many things come up during the week! like a good friend of Jason's birthday fell on that wednesday, and he wanted to take him out to dinner at Lucille's... not on our list. solution? costco has gift cards for lucille's!! bought 'em that afternoon, and used them at dinner :) we did break it once, when jason took joey to "Splash!", a local water park, on his very last day of summer vacation... he decided those memories were worth "breaking the fast".
but a dozen other things came up throughout the week that we had to say "no" to. this is good, as august this year will be the smallest paycheck month we've had in a long time, and we are trying to stretch every dollar... we ate out less, even went grocery shopping less - worked hard at eating what we already had in the refrigerator/cupboard (why is this so hard?? such a "first world problem")
one thing we bought (at with gift cards from our baby shower last month is a brand-new video monitor! i love it. i get to watch my boy sleeping - the only peaceful moments of his day, and i cherish them! the first night we used it, however, we discovered how much we didn't know about our son (having only used audio monitors before). this video was taken almost 2 hours after he had been completely quiet in bed. we always assumed that meant he was asleep (since his every waking moment generally involves human interaction/communication - he's always been super-verbal). what the?!
happy end of summer!
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my boys love the beach... and it's free! as long as we remember to get gas at costco beforehand... ;) |
up next: week 7: "fasting from stress"
I thoroughly enjoyed this blog series and was inspired by it, especially the media fast. Real people and real interactions need to always be top priority. Thanks for sharing!
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