the outfit: dress, ross; sheer top, charlotte russe (gift from the same sister as above ;); belt, thrifted; boots, thrifted; necklace, handmade; bracelets, handmade by becca & thrifted
please ignore the hanging strap dangling so lov-e-ly there on my shoulder ;)
those are no longer a part of this top as of sunday
oh, how i love union station. from the first moment i walked through the door as a teenager, i couldn't help feeling small - i am standing in a building so grand, full of thousands of people going all different places, with all different lives... in an old-fashioned-feeling kind of way.

funny story... so this couple is sitting near where we are shooting, and they look like they are just there because it's an awesome place to sit. not going anywhere... so the girl, after watching us for a minute, decides to take a guess at "what's happening here". and she very intuitively says "you make jewelry and have a website, and you're shooting photos to showcase them... and maybe the clothes, too" i told her about my blog, and how i did make my necklace. she said, "it's beautiful. list it for twice what you were planning to sell it for." funny how encouraging words from a random stranger can actually have an effect... makes me think more about interacting with people! (this shot, above, was me talking to her :)
oh, and, Kristy, after looking at these shots, i realized... we were there at 10:50 ;) next time we're there at the same time, we should actually see each other ;)
also, this post wins for the most winky-face-emoticons ever in one blog post - 7. i don't even think i wink in real life...